Would you like to donate to the missions of Compassionate Aid Network International?

Here are several ways you can donate.

  1. Pay with your credit card using PayPal (no PayPal account is needed)
  2. Pay with your PayPal account using your credit card or direct withdrawal from your bank account (this must be setup in advance) -- You can also setup PayPal for regular automatic payment.
  3. Pay with Interac eTransfer (in Canada) through your bank's online web site.

paypal logo previewInterac e Transfer logo

eTransfer Instructions:

These instructions are for Canadian payments using Interac eTransfer from Canadian banks. US donors should pay with their credit card (all payments are in Canadian dollars):

  1. Log into your Canadian bank's online web site to your bank account
  2. Click on transfers (or etransfers) on your bank's website
  3. Setup a payee - CANI using our email address    i n f o @ c a n i s o c i e t y . o r g
  4. Then you can make an eTransfer. eTransfers are automatically deposited to CANI bank account.


Donations with PayPal or your Credit Card
You can designate your donation within the PayPal window.  


We process donations using PayPal. You may use your credit card to make your donation, you do not have to have a PayPal account to do so. Click on the donation link above to make your donation. We thank you for your support, and may God richly bless you. Please keep CANI in your prayers as we continue to provide for those who are in need.

CANI is registered with Canada Revenue Agency as a Charitable Organization under the Canadian Income Tax Act. All donations made to CANI are able to be used as an income tax deduction for most individuals and businesses. As an operating policy, any donation (single donation or a cumulative donation for the year) of at least $20 in a calendar year a tax receipt will be issued if you provide us with your name and email address. All donations received by December 31st of the year we will issue a tax receipt by the end of February in the following year. Please feel free to contact us if you do not receive your tax receipt. Tax receipts are delivered via email.


At CANI we do everything possible to keep administrative costs at a minimum to ensure that your donation is used to its fullest potential.

Currently CANI is operated entirely by volunteers. To date there are no paid staff and our missionaries pay most of their own expenses such as airfare, immunizations, insurance and personal supplies needed for a mission tour.

Contact Us

Compassionate Aid Network International
28-848 Hockley Ave
Langford, BC V9B 2V6

Donate Today !



Interac e Transfer


Pastor Duke's church is amazing. They built the congregation from nothing and through donations from people like me he has been able to build a building for them to meet in. God bless you.

Andrew, Vancouver, BC